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AgencyZoom Integration Setup 

Welcome to GAIL (2)

About: AgencyZoom Integration Setup

💡 The AgencyZoom Integration will allow you to have GAIL make outbound calls right from AgencyZoom!

This works by creating Call Tasks and assigning them to the AZ account that you would like to use for the integration (i.e. you can use your own AZ account, a team member's, or create a new account for GAIL within your AZ organization).

This guide will show you the steps to take to successfully set up these Call Tasks and have GAIL begin calling on your behalf!

Creating Automated Call Tasks in AgencyZoom for GAIL

1. Sign into yourAgencyZoomaccount.



2. Click "Login"



Tip: The following steps show how to set up automated Call Tasks in a pipeline.

For this example, we are adding a Call Task to the "GAIL Call" stage in the "Personal Auto w/ GAIL" pipeline.



3. Click "Settings" Icon



4. Click "Pipelines"



5. Click "Automation" on the Pipeline that you wish to add a Call Task to



6. Click the pipeline and stage you wish to add an automated Call Task to.

In this example, we are going to click on the "GAIL Call" stage in the "Personal Auto w/ GAIL" pipeline.



7. Click "+ Automation"



8. Click "Call"



9. Click "Create Call For"



10. Click "A specific person(s)"



Alert: Please Note:

You will want to add GAIL as a new staff member in AgencyZoom and use this new account for the integration between GAIL and AgencyZoom. This will minimize any possible errors and lag time between task creation and GAIL making the call.

In order to set up GAIL as a team member in your AgencyZoom account please Click Here and follow the steps below:

  1. Please use an email that you have access to but that is not a duplicate of an email in your AZ system already (you will have to accept an invitation from AZ that is sent to that inbox).
  2. Mark this new GAIL staff member as part of all Roles
  3. Mark them as a "User" under Permission level
  4. Click "Save"
  5. Go to the email inbox that you used for the new GAIL staff member and accept the invitation to join your AZ organization



11. Click on the person whose account you will be using for the integration.



12. You may set the automation for any amount of days after the lead/customer enters the stage.



13. Name this Task whatever you like. For our example we will call it "GAIL Call Personal Auto".

Examples: GAIL Call, GAIL Personal Auto Day 3, GAIL Renewal Confirmation, etc...



14. Set up the time for the Call Task to occur



15. For this example, we would the Call Task (and therefore the call) to happen at the business opening time (9 AM)



16. In the "Notes" section we will need the EXACT name of the call script that you would like to use for this call.

Please go to your GAIL account and Script Page to ensure that the spelling matches. This is covered on Steps 15-20



17. Go to and sign in



18. Click "Scripts"



19. Click the script that you would like to set the Call Task up to use



20. Copy the call script name in GAIL



21. Go back to AgencyZoom



22. In the Notes section of the Call Task, paste the name of the GAIL call script you would like to use



23. Click "Save"



24. That completes setting up a Call Task automation!



Tip: Call Tasks can also be manually created at any time from within any pipeline. Following the same steps, these manually created tasks will also lead to calls being made by GAIL. Please Note: Manually created tasks may take up to 30 mins before the call is made by GAIL.

Remember, the following criteria must be met for a successful call task to be completed by GAIL:

  • Task is a Call Task (not a To-Do or any other task type)
  • Task is assigned to the account/team member that is integrated with GAIL
  • Task has a time assigned
    • Unless manually created as a one-of, in which case no time has to be assigned and the call will happen within 5 minutes of task creation
  • Task Notes contains the EXACTLY matches name of the call script in GAIL

Once the call is completed by GAIL, the following will occur:

  • The original Call Task in AZ will be marked as completed
  • A Note with the summary of the call (along with a link to the call in GAIL) will be added
  • A To-Do Task will be created for the assigned Agent to review the call summary and disposition the Lead/Customer accordingly


Connect Your AgencyZoom Account to GAIL


25. Go to (and sign in if necessary)

26. Click the "Partners" tab



27. Input the AgencyZoom credentials for the account you will be assigning Call Tasks to in AZ, then click "Connect"



28. You have successfully connected your AgencyZoom Account!



Testing the AgencyZoom Integration

29. Go to the pipeline in which you are leveraging the Call Task automation for GAIL.



30. Create a dummy lead/customer with a Phone Number for a phone that you can receive a call task to. Put the dummy lead into the stage in which you created the Call Tasks for.

For our example, we used the lead "Nick White" and are putting the lead into the "GAIL Call" stage.



31. Once in the stage, the automated tasks will be shown to confirm that you would like them active.



32. Once the Call Task is created, the call will occur within 5 mins of the time assigned to the task



33. After the call is completed, you will see that:

  • The original task has been marked "Completed"
  • A Note has been added with the call summary and link back to the call in GAIL
  • And a new To-Do Task has been created for the Owner of this lead/customer to review the Call and disposition the lead/customer how they see fit (i.e. move on to next stage)